SATs Help: How can busy parents help their children facing Year 6 SATs?
When and How?
Age 11 early May of Year 6: SATs in English and maths, marked externally, results published nationally. Teacher assessment in science.
Year 6 SATs
Date |
Test |
Monday 13th May 2024 | Grammar and Punctuation Test-45 mins
Spelling Test-20 mins |
Tuesday 14th May 2024 | English Reading Test-60 mins |
Wednesday 15th May 2024 | Mathematics Arithmetic (Paper 1)-30 mins
Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 2)-40 mins |
Thursday 16th May 2024 | Mathematics Reasoning (Paper 3)-40 mins |
Day 1: Grammar and Punctuation
Spelling Test
Day 2: English Reading Test
Day 3: Maths Arithmetics (Paper 1)
Day 4: Maths Reasoning (Paper 2)
Maths Reasoning (Paper 3)
Obviously, the children will be aware that there is something going on and that they are going to be tested. During Year 6, your child will undoubtedly get plenty of exam practice and specific work on how to answer particular questions in exams, particularly in regards to the reading comprehension exam. Some schools will put on more pressure or expect more revision than others, with many offering extra tutoring either before or after school. It may be a motivator for some kids to try and bit harder, however, many find it stressful.
Our Advice:
You can also help your child at home in the following ways:
Chat to the teacher about where your child is at and if there are areas for improvement.
Keep to routine by making sure they are well rested and get plenty of exercise. Avoid late nights or sleepovers during this time.
Talk to them about why tests are important but also not to worry. Keep up the communication so that they can tell you how they feel.
Talk about stories, books and characters. Read them stories and hear them read. Play story CDs in the car. It helps children to hear stories before they write them. Much children’s TV is chopped up into short or fast moving chunks that don’t hold any narrative, so minimise this.
Practice and re-enforce basic maths skills such as timed tables. It’s an essential skill that will improve accuracy but also fluency (getting it right but also completing more questions).
Suggested Links:
Here is a link to Past Papers:
KS 2 Year 6 Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling Past Paper
KS 2 Year 6 Reading Assessment Booklet
KS 2 Year 6 Reading Assessment Questions
KS 2 Year 6 Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic)
KS 2 Year 6 Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning)
KS 2 Year 6 Maths Pape 3 (Reasoning)
We recommend Andrew Brodie books especially for maths.
Also CPG SATs revision books are great for maths and English.
In the end it is better that issues are flagged up now if they need extra support. SATs should be information for you and the school about your child’s progress rather than their performance. If you would like to book a free assessment with us to get professional advice then click here…
Tax Free Childcare is Here
Save Money with Tax Free Childcare at I Love to Learn
As we are OFSTED registered you can use the below methods to pay I Love to Learn.
Tax Free Childcare is a new scheme from the government. If you open an account and put in some money the government will give you your tax back. You can use this to pay for childcare for children up to 12 years old. (For every £8 you pay in, the government will pay in an extra £2, equivalent to 20% of childcare costs)
Click here to open an account…
Click here to find out more from….
You can continue to use the below methods also:
If you are already using Childcare Vouchers issues by your employer you can use them to pay for tuition with us. (You have until Oct 2018 to enrol as this scheme will end)
If you receive Working Families Tax Credit you may be eligible for help also. Just give the Helpline a call and tell them that your childcare costs have gone up. They will let you know if you can receive extra credit.
The WFTC Helpline is 0345 300 3900.
Our OFSTED no. in Portsmouth is EY 387054.
Our OFSTED no. in Fareham is EY 559164
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if we can be of any help on this or any other issue.
New Fareham Tuition Centre Open Party!
New Tuition Centre Opening Party Sat 10th Feb
Come and celebrate the opening of our new tuition centre. We are giving away cake, I Love to Learn T-shirts and balloons. Have a look around, play some educational games and chat to the tutors!
Please feel free to drop in and find out more, even if you are not thinking about getting help at the moment. It is a free event so all are welcome. Whether it is for now or the future, for reading, writing, spelling or maths; we are happy to talk. Your child might be getting closer to SATs, GCSEs, or you may be considering 11 plus/common entrance exams. We are here to help all children from 6-16 and all abilities.
Time: 12.30-1.30pm
Date: Sat 10th February 2018
Place: 4 Delta Business Park, Salterns Lane, Fareham, PO16 0QS.
The latest addition to after-school education in Fareham is now open with the I Love to Learn Professional Tuition Centre now officially in operation. We have already got lots of students studying with us and are open on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
We will be offering a free assessment to every child who attends the event. This is a chance for you to get a detailed snap shot of your child’s educational progress. Please talk to us about how to arrange this.
Parking is free in the business park and we are the very first unit on the right! We have got lots of signs up now so you can’t miss us!
Click here to find out more…
No More Maths Anxiety!
She now talks about her ‘Maths Abilities’!
“My 12 year old daughter has experienced maths anxiety since Year 3 and on returning to school after the summer holidays into Year 8. This anxiety was heightened due to school pressures. We discussed strategies that may support her in her learning, having heard such good things of I Love to Learn, made an appointment for a free assessment.
Keen to Attend
The analysis of my daughter’s results suggested there was a difficulty in understanding the language of maths in addition to some gaps in her learning, despite being in top set for maths in her school. My daughter was keen to attend the weekly session as she had enjoyed her assessment so much.
‘I Am Thrilled’
At the time of writing this testimonial, my daughter has had only 5 sessions and her confidence and ability has increased significantly. She talks of enjoying maths and of her abilities in maths instead of her inabilities, participates more in maths lessons at school and is keen to do her maths homework, both from school and from the sessions.
As a parent I am thrilled that her confidence has grown significantly and would recommend I Love to Learn without hesitation!”
Transition to a New School
Blasting Though to the Next Level!
Many of our little superheroes will soon be pushing through to the next level at school. This may be a transition between Infant to Junior or Junior to Senior. Even changing year groups can be a lot for younger children.
Do you remember the feeling of excitement and fear of going up to a new class or school?
Now is a good time to talk to your kids about these changes. Fear of the unknown is the worst thing
especially for imaginative young minds.
It is a good idea to ask your child to write a list of questions themselves. You never know what their concerns might be.
Talk to the Teacher
Always talk to the new teacher or school about your child’s special needs, personality, strengths and weaknesses. Understanding a child is usually a great way to help teach that child.
Practical preparations are important also to help the child get ready mentally. A new uniform or bag might seem a small thing, but it might help your little superhero think themselves into a new role.
If you do have any concerns about your child’s progress in reading, writing, spelling and maths please do not hesitate to call Howard and Linda on 023 93 968 626 or click on the Assessment Request button!
Overcoming Challenges (like SATs)!
You may have noticed but SATs seem to have had a bad press recently. As parents, tutors and teachers, how should we respond to this? Are we setting kids up for failure and depression?
I spoke to someone who didn’t pass her 11+ exam many year ago. She said, “I failed when I was at that age, I was a failure because I didn’t pass the 11+.”
She still felt the pain of this many years later. Should we blame a system for damaging and hurtfully labelling children?
Prof M Seligman in ‘Learned Optimism’ says that we can teach our children to deal with challenges if we help them fight the worst bully of all, themselves. It’s that little voice that they hear when things go wrong. “You’re not good enough, you can’t do it, you never will.”
- When things go wrong be a good model, don’t say ‘I’m such an idiot’ (which is permanent) but ‘I am having a bad day’(which is temporary).
- If, for example, your child gets shouted at by a teacher and feels down, explore with them what that experience makes them believe e.g. he hates me, the class thinks I am stupid.
Help them dispute this by making it less personal e.g. He shouts at everyone, the class knows this. You may want to go through some practice scenarios to help your child develop these skills.
- If they do something well, say something like, ‘because you practised hard you have become much better/faster/stronger.’(personal, they did it) ‘How do you feel? I would feel great if I could have done that at your age.’ (feeling good gives them energy)
- If they say ‘I hate maths’ (a permanent negative belief), say ‘You’re just finding it difficult right now but you can work at it.’ (temporary and they can change)
We can’t avoid difficult things in life, and the evidence is that responding with a positive optimistic style is the best way to overcome adversity. So, ‘Onwards and upwards’ as my mother used to say!
Take a look at this great video.
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