What parents say...

She loves coming, and sees that it helps her at school.  Her scores are going up all the time and recently she got three class awards in three weeks, she says this is ‘Thanks to you.
Mrs C Walker
Dylan had always struggled with very poor handwriting.  After only a few months teachers can now read his writing and he feels more confident.  His coordination problems have been recognised “Thanks to your suggestion,” and this has helped at school.   It has made a big difference to his schooling as he enjoys it much more now.  
Samantha WildingParentPortsmouth
winner “We had planned to stop the tutoring after the 11+ exam, but with the next lockdown and more disruption to her education, we quickly relented when she literally begged us to continue going! The sessions are adjusted to her needs and she describes them as ‘really fun’ and she likes it that the work is specific to her level and much more individualised than the class work at school.”
Penny Meeking
Prezton has done really well and we are very proud of his achievement so thank you all again
Mrs A Laborde
We were super happy with your approach and B settled in so well. She looked forward to the tutoring and got a lot out of the sessions. Without a doubt her confidence has grown and I wouldn’t hesitate to use I Love to Learn again in the future. Many thanks, Cat
We are Super Happy!
“I Love to Learn really helped me prepare for my entrance exam.  I give I Love to Learn 10/10.  I Love to Learn helped me understand pie charts, algebra and story writing.  I enjoyed coming to I Love to Learn and would love to come back in the future.”
-Ollie, Student in Portsmouth
At the time of writing this testimonial, my daughter has had only 5 sessions and her confidence and ability has increased significantly!  (Now) she talks of enjoying maths and of her abilities in maths instead of her inabilities, participates more in maths lessons at school and is keen to do her maths homework, both from school and from the sessions.  As a parent I am thrilled that her confidence has grown significantly and would recommend I Love to Learn without hesitation.
S BondParentPortsmouth
Alex had been tested in Year 4 for dyslexia and he came out mildly dyslexic for spelling.  He has a poor short term memory, and we were concerned about him going to Senior School with these problems. Alex started off a bit ‘anti’, but now he agrees that his writing is better and the improvement has been commented on by teachers.  We are so pleased he is getting professional help, and are especially pleased that he now see the benefit and is self-motivated. He now is now asking for help with his Maths too!
Mrs D Wilson
I was told at school that Harrison had fallen about 2 years behind in reading, writing and spelling. Harrison took to it straight away.  He has made fantastic progress and is meeting all his targets.  He loves the points and prizes that he collects for working so he comes out buzzing after every session!
Mrs S McGee
Thank you very much for your help and support in helping Tomek achieve his goals in English
Monica (Tomek’s mum)

Improve Your Reading Comprehension with I Love to Learn

Fun With Reading Comprehension!

At I Love to Learn Professional Tuition, we are often asked by parents about how to help children with their reading.  Here are some readingReading Comp comprehension skills to master.

  1. Preview:

Before diving into a text, take a moment to preview it. Skim the headings, subheadings, and any bold or italicized text. This gives you an idea of what to expect and activates your prior knowledge.

This is a skill you might use when reading a newspaper.  Most people don’t read every word, they just skim the headlines and read the articles that they are interested in.

2. Ask Questions:

Engage with the text by asking yourself questions as you read. Who are the main characters? What is the main idea? Questioning helps you stay focused and encourages deeper understanding.

It helps if someone else can do the asking so that you have to explain it to them.


Create mental images of what you’re reading. Imagine the setting, characters, and actions in your mind. Visualizing helps you connect with the text and enhances comprehension and retention.  What would it feel like to be in the story?

Good reading leads to good writing.  Practice visualization and you will become better at creating good description yourself.


After reading a section or passage, pause and summarize the main points or key events in your own words. This helps consolidate your understanding and highlights any areas that need further clarification.

5. Monitor and Adjust:

Be aware of your comprehension as you read. If something doesn’t make sense, reread or look up unfamiliar words. Adjust your reading speed and strategies accordingly to ensure maximum comprehension.

Remember, practice makes perfect! These strategies can improve your reading comprehension skills and make your reading experience more enjoyable and rewarding. Happy reading!


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Reading Comp

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