What parents say...

Thank you for your lovely card.  You have helped with my creative writing and vocabulary.  I have grown in confidence and I appreciate your help.
Alex had been tested in Year 4 for dyslexia and he came out mildly dyslexic for spelling.  He has a poor short term memory, and we were concerned about him going to Senior School with these problems. Alex started off a bit ‘anti’, but now he agrees that his writing is better and the improvement has been commented on by teachers.  We are so pleased he is getting professional help, and are especially pleased that he now see the benefit and is self-motivated. He now is now asking for help with his Maths too!
Mrs D Wilson
GCSE Maths
Alex says ” I learned more in three months than my whole time in the maths classroom at school. I went from dreading it to feeling much better about being there.” This Summer he was overjoyed to find that he had gone from a Grade 2 in his mocks up to a Grade 4 (C) pass in his final exam.  
I would like to thank you for the enthusiastic way in which you have helped Vicky gain confidence in her abilities to learn.  She has been a different child since coming to you and has a more positive view now!
Vicky's Parents
Prezton has done really well and we are very proud of his achievement so thank you all again
Mrs A Laborde
“Thanks for all your hard work with Rebecca Kivlin. She has started Milton Cross this week. Rebecca is in the top set for maths and science, and the second group for everything else. Without coming to Love to Learn she would never have achieved this.  Thanks”    
Julie Powell
Also can I just say a massive thank you too, Ellie was a bit apprehensive before her first session but when she came home last week she was absolutely buzzing, she loved her time spent there and felt so much happier even after just one session. So thank you, she has been so worried about her exams especially English.
"Thank You."
She loves coming, and sees that it helps her at school.  Her scores are going up all the time and recently she got three class awards in three weeks, she says this is ‘Thanks to you.
Mrs C Walker
“Dear Howard Thank you so much for all these lessons you’ve been giving me!  They really have improved my work at school and now I can put all your help to good use with my SATs.  Thank you so much for everything! From Lewis”
Lewis (student)
winner “We had planned to stop the tutoring after the 11+ exam, but with the next lockdown and more disruption to her education, we quickly relented when she literally begged us to continue going! The sessions are adjusted to her needs and she describes them as ‘really fun’ and she likes it that the work is specific to her level and much more individualised than the class work at school.”
Penny Meeking

Who Our Tuition Is Not Suited For?

A Guide to Who Will Not Benefit From Our Tuition Service

We want parents and children to get the best out of our tuition service.  The last thing we want to do is waste anyone’s money on something that is not for them.

Here is a guide to help parents decide if we are the right service for their child or children.

Last minute exam prep-esp GCSE

Take a Break!

We are not able to cram for exams.  Our tuition is designed to look for areas of weakness that students might have.  We may need to go back a few years (educationally) to work on skills that students may have missed.  This can take some time, and if you (or the student), are too focussed on an exam you might become frustrated.  We are aiming for mastery and not just short term exam performance (that will probably be forgotten the day after the exam!)


We are not a specialist special needs centre.  However, if we meet children for an assessment and feel we can work with them, we take them on.  There are a few students, maybe their behaviour is too bad or maybe they can’t speak any English, who we find it difficult to help.  The best thing to do is book in for a free assessment and we will give you our honest opinion.

Can’t Attend a Centre Regularly

Regular attendance at lessons is essential for progress.   In many cases we only get 80 minutes once a week. We do not want to waste anyone’s money, so if you cannot attend regularly, we may not be the place for you.

If You Want Online Tutoring

We do not have an online offer at the moment.  We still feel in centre tutoring is of a much higher quality than online, and that most children needs teachers to be present.

Free or Cheap Tuition

Good quality tuition by professional and experienced tutors does cost money.  We have to provide a great learning environment and pay for fantastic, experienced and qualified tutors.  We try to provide the best tuition that money can buy but we quite understand that it is not in everyone’s budget.  We are committed to helping your child make progress so please don’t try to drive down our prices.




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