What parents say...

I was told at school that Harrison had fallen about 2 years behind in reading, writing and spelling. Harrison took to it straight away.  He has made fantastic progress and is meeting all his targets.  He loves the points and prizes that he collects for working so he comes out buzzing after every session!
Mrs S McGee
She loves coming, and sees that it helps her at school.  Her scores are going up all the time and recently she got three class awards in three weeks, she says this is ‘Thanks to you.
Mrs C Walker
“I Love to Learn really helped me prepare for my entrance exam.  I give I Love to Learn 10/10.  I Love to Learn helped me understand pie charts, algebra and story writing.  I enjoyed coming to I Love to Learn and would love to come back in the future.”
-Ollie, Student in Portsmouth
We are so pleased that Mahera has got a FULL BURSARY for the local girl’s high school in Portsmouth.  She has been to your centre before for tuition but we came back in November so she could get ready for the exams.   She has worked so hard and Linda has really encouraged her in her writing!  Thanks so much!
Mahera's Mum
Prezton has done really well and we are very proud of his achievement so thank you all again
Mrs A Laborde
Firstly, I would like to thank yourselves and your staff for all your help and dedication to helping my daughter Saoirse with her maths.  She has shown an improvement with her confidence at attempting to handle the mathematics she is give by her school.  And I feel this is due to the staff at your centre, she had a very rough year in Year 4, with her very unsympathetic teacher and you all helped her through that.  For that I’m very grateful.
Mrs R Wall
“Our children have enjoyed their time at your tuition centre very much, and my wife and I have been incredibly impressed with your professional approach to tuition. Thank you so much for all you have done in making our kids feel comfortable, cared for and safe.” Mr Usuanlele.
Mr UsuanleleParent
Thank you so much for helping me with my maths!  I have come along much more in maths lessons at school! Hopefully, depending on whether I need help when I go to Secondary School I might come back again. (I hope so)  Thank you again. Madison.
Mrs H Breen
Thank you for your lovely card.  You have helped with my creative writing and vocabulary.  I have grown in confidence and I appreciate your help.

She says “I Love to Learn Now!”

Mariana brought her daughter to us as she was having a few problems with maths at school.  She liked it so much that now she comes for English as well!  Mariana says that now “She is more confident with math now and she’s coming to I Love to Learn for pleasure.  She is very happy with her teacher, she says she is very kind and patient.”    
Howard JonesI Love to Learn

Help for Working Parents

Help for Working Parents

We know that may hard working parents are committed to their child’s education but find after school tuition expensive.  You may be surprised to find that there are a number of ways to make it more affordable!  All our centres are OFSTED registered which means that working parents may be able to use some of the below schemes to help pay for tuition.

Childcare Vouchers:

If you have an employer, you may already use this scheme to pay for childcare.  As we are an OFSTED registered centre you will be able to use Childcare Vouchers to pay us too.  Lots and lots of parents have been able to get help with payment.  If you don’t use this already, you can ask your employer to pay some of your wages to a Childcare Vouchers provider.   The advantage is that the charges are made before tax, saving you in effect 20% of the cost.

There are lots of chilcare voucher providers, and we are registered with many of them.

You may already have a childcare vouchers service, if not, ask your employer to help.  

Tax Free Childcare:

If you are self-employed or your employer does not have childcare vouchers, the government has provided a scheme for you.  You can set up a Tax Free Childcare account for free, you get £2 from the government for every £8 you put in?

You can use these in the same way as childcare vouchers to pay us.

Go to www.gov.uk/get-tax-free-childcare to find out more.


Universal Tax Credit

If you receive Universal Tax Credit you may be eligible for help also.  Our advice is to call the helpline, tell them your childcare costs have gone up, and ask if they are able to help.  Lots of parents have used this to help pay for after-school tuition and holiday schools.  From time to time we are asked to provide evidence that the tuition has taken place.

The UTC Helpline is 0800 328 5644.

OFSTED Registration Number: for the Portsmouth Centre is EY387054 and

Fareham Centre EY559164

Havant Centre EY2687393


Please do not hesitate to get in touch if we can be of any help about this or any other matter.


‘Tutoring Children to Learn and Love the Journey!’

11+ tuition

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